Wednesday, September 26, 2007

p.s....The Contest

So Tai can't back out, I gotta make it public. It is me vs. Tai in a layout contest at regionals. Who will get the most Ds? The Nigerian Nightmare or the Savvy Vet? (no one actually calls me the Savvy Vet, but I also have zero cool nicknames). Positive points for layout catches or Ds, negative if we don't bid when the other thinks we could have had a shot.

By the way, Tai, if I would have thought of it, I would have kicked your ace at CHC.


808 said...

Tulsa. I'm so sorry.


ellsworthless said...

You should just keep track of the D's and catches, instead of whether or not you attempted.

Warrior Princess said...

Hey, I don't mind Tulsa & I hate cold plastic. It's only 7.5 hours from Ames so I selfishly don't mind a bit. Plus, the fields are nice. I just wish we could party b/c Tulsa puts on a GREAT one.

Warrior Princess said...

Attempts count for nothing- they are expected. Catches or Ds count for 1 each. If Tai think I should have bid or vice versa it is minus 1.