Monday, October 22, 2007

This is why, this is why, this is why we're hot

How I love thee….

…let me count the ways:
1. The way you make me laugh on the sidelines & between sprints
2. The way you motivate me with your inspiring plays & fired up e-mails
3. The way my workout partners are always pushing me
4. The way you stay positive
5. The way you wear that sexy pink skirt
6. The way those 50/50 discs I throw are now 80/20 (or even 90/10!)
7. The way you motivate me to become my best
8. The way you drink too much & get silly
9. The way you play each opponent with respect
11. The way Tai struts, flirts, and lays out!
12. The way Lana crazy-eyes, smiles, hucks, and is ALWAYS OPEN!
13. The way Jill is grounded, insightful, AND speedy!
14. The way Holarz breaks the mark, tries to act tough, and gives me couch burns!
15. The way Tobie continually pushes harder, does what she didn’t think she couldn’t do, and gives it ALL on the field!
16. The way Shel comes back from injuries, eats up discs, shuts down anybody’s Go-To Girl!
17. The way Amy is cute in any mood, flies by girls on her tiny legs, and runs down my swill!
18. The way XXX always has pomegranate lip balm for me, writes the best cheers, inspired me with her chest high layouts, and has a beautiful smile!
19. The way Noelle looks so nonchalant, goes to every disc, and attempts Greatests!
20. The way Gibbs pushes me in sprints, owns the skies, and throws me practice layouts!
21. The way Swartie is always cutting, has a big rack, and is coming up with lewd team cheers (and occasionally unlewd ones)!
22. The way Matey is always running, running, running, laying out on D or O, and never gives up on a disc!
23. The way Sam is quietly a stud, is too young to be so good, and double-hand grabs EVERYTHING that comes her way!
24. The way BK is open like a 7/11 (24/7, baby!), plays with no concern for her tiny body, looks like a little doll while playing like a monster!
25. The way KDubbs sends it deep, gets the disc when we need her, and generally plays like a badass!
26. The way Natalie hucks it deep (yes, I DO like it!), breaks the mark, pushes me in sprint workouts!
27. The way Duh lays it out on D at the last second, moves the disc so smoothly, looks so much like Gibbs!
28. The way Conrad fills any role, lays out like the textbook says (they are pretty!), and leads the mental game!
29. The way Kalli catches the uncatchable, rips it downfield, and looks like a supermodel!
30. The way MegHan Solo outreads every opponent, catches those discs that are already gone, and is a monster in the air or underneath!
31. The way Joggles got her nickname, can't get enough run-through Ds, and makes a mockery of any mark!

I've been waiting to unveil this post for awhile. See you all in Sarasota!-RJD

1 comment:

ellsworthless said...

I can only read this damn list so many times. Post something new, doc.