Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Coupla a Things....

Here's some stuff you may not know about me:

*I like to go to the bathroom in the stall at work with the roll of toilet paper not in the dispenser. As in, the janitors saw that the roll would end soon, so replaced it, but left the remainder of the roll on top of the dispenser. If there are no "extra rolls", I go in the last stall.

*I do things in threes. When picking seat on a plane, I almost always choose a number divisible by 3 and usually seat C (a=1,b=2,c=3). I set clocks and alarms such that the sum of all numbers is divisible by three (example- 7:02, 6:36). Other things, too, like volume settings.

*I used to eat nearly everything with a spoon, including lettuce salads. I'd get annoyed with my mom if she didn't set a spoon out for me & huffily get up to get one.

*I love food, but will not eat the following: sweet pickles, cherry pie, ketchup, or liver. Of those, I'd be most likely to eat liver. It is good I am not picky about a lot of things b/c I will pick sweet ickle relish out of tuna or egg salad & wipe ketchup off of sandwiches.

Okay, we're done with that. I had a dream last night about missing a plane. I think I was in New york City. I think it stemmed from my conversation with Jon about how many plane trips I was taking & how many plane tickets I'd purchased this year. Trips this year: to Germany & back (Feb/march, school). Madrid to Paris (March, Fun). Boston(June,Ultimate). Denver (Aug, Fun). Sarasota (Oct, Ultimate). Savannah (Nov, School). Jacksonville (Dec, Fam). I also bought 5 tickets for other people, for various reasons.

Sectionals: We won a lot. Did some things on offense a LOT better, learned some things I think we WILL do better. Both Sheldahls played. My mom came to watch, which was nice of her; she also helped pick up trash afterward, 'cause, well, that's my mom. Scorned looks good in a lot of respects, but overall needs to throw, throw, throw. Read Mike Liu's blog.

Central Open has 3 bids. I hope this gives the VBBs ALL the hope they needed to make Natties. I know some of them have believed the whole season, but others needed this bid to fire them up to play their best. I haven't seen them play a team they can't beat. Defense, keep getting turns & convert. Offense, looks like your slipping into an unstoppable flow. I love you guys. Now let's go to the Big Dance together.

I minorly injured my right foot/ankle for the 3rd time in just over 2 weeks. I lightly sprained it at CHC, iced randomly afterward. I plowed into (through/over) Jake at pickup last Wed on a poach D attempt (he was also on D & going for the disc)& he managed to hit my foot in 4 spots- I don't even know how that is possible. PRetty sure I pulled a muscle during that. I may have bruised his ribs (for me, p=mv doesn't apply; an extra R factor must be added-I am like a small freight train). Last night, the stupidest: I am walking up to Jon's place, on a sidewalk, just normal walking & step on THE ONE ROCK on the sidewalk, roll my ankle, and fall down. No kidding, I hit the ground. It hurt. So, we're on full rehab this week. Tonight we'll see how it takes sprints. I bought some athletic tape for it this morning.

Lastly, I was stoked by Gibbs' blog today. She is awesome and has been a great workout buddy this summer & fall. Can hardly wait for tonight's workout (it's the 60-90s I skipped last week to go run into Jake at pick up). Regionals: 10 days and counting.

1 comment:

Warrior Princess said...

I felt bad for this post b/c it had no comments. Airplane totals:

I hope to even out the Fam category in Jan/Feb by going to TX to see my brother's family.