Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bring It

I shouldn't be posting as I have more microscope slides to look at and more pathology to read, but I just couldn't help saying to the Nemesis & Mojo fans/players: this weekend, baby, first thing. Rackages will be there, looking hot, playing hot, BEING hot. Will you? I hope so, because I am wasting away for some good Ultimate! Rackages, feel free to comment on how you feel about this challenge as well.


Melissa Jo Gibbs said...

I suppose I'll take some time off from flexing in the mirror to say how I've been preparing for this upcoming tournament.

I think back to that caffeinated goo stuff I ate with electrolytes in it before the sunday of Cooler. I knew competition was limited but I was ready to build my body up for whatever was going to be offered that finals game. Turned out not much but the way I felt like punching the sky victoriously over and again, the way I felt flying through the air on a D against an ex-teammate, and the way I was yelling for the team(Meg-hans said it reminded her of Ellsworth...ha) I was amped...and it wasn't just that damn goo. It was the burn and yearn for a game to play. A game to REALLY play. It's certainly vindicating to trounce teams but I'm more than ready for a team that tells me to "bring it." And CHC is the time for teams to start showing what they've got. I want the competition to leave me hurting. I'll be working my ass off through whatever comes my way. I want to earn each win with each ounce of muscle I've been using in two day workouts where I was holding a pushup an inch above the ground for a minute. Workouts where I was sprinting in the evening through cramps when that morning, I'd almost wanted to throw up during an ROTC distance run. In some ways, I don't even think what I've been doing is enough, but I'm doing my best and I'm thinking that it might be a best that's better than those women out there on the field this weekend. But hey, I want to prove that opinion. "Cool head and hands, Gibbs." "Cut like there's no tomorrow, Gibbs." "You've got her beat all day so use it, Gibbs."

Can we finally get some real ultimate playing up in here!? I'm ready, I want the team to be ready for this with me because every workout I did, I always thought about how good you make me look as a player and how I want to return that to each and every one of you tenfold. So let's come out strong saturday because these spider-limbs of mine are aching for some layout d's and shit.

I can't make that up. Play it.

ellsworthless said...

"the way I was yelling for the team(Meg-hans said it reminded her of Ellsworth...ha)"

You must have looked hot.

4 Layout D's at CHC Spider Gibbs? Shall I mark you down for that?

Robin said...

You know the rackages are going to bring the herd into CHC and when they leave the cute little does will have stomped on all the ground leaving their mark to what they did...stampede through the tournament!

The little analaogies are just so easy to use when talking about the four legged friends of the forest.

Best of luck and I am sure we will hop over to see the Rackages take down the other teams!