Monday, May 21, 2007

Ultimate Weekend

Gorgeous weather, stellar players, all manner of foods cooked over fire, swimming in the lake.....what wasn't to love about last weekend? I was really happy with the level of play on both days, but especially Sunday. We had fewer women on Sunday, sometimes having to play 5s, but the intensity was still there. I think part of it was having a spectacular huck drill to start out- holy crap, that was awesome. If you weren't there or want to relive it, imagine explosive speed meeting a perfectly arced disc with a few great bids for just out of reach discs- bids that will be there after a couple of grueling months of workouts (grueling is good for everyone, right?). Thanks to the Iowa State women and Minneapolis women, Saturday was awesome- 18 ladies with 2 very intense scrimmages.

So where do I start......One thing that I think Ying said on Monday, "That Solarz girl can really throw!" It was a funny comment because it was so genuine, and it is such general knowledge for most of us, that it is more amazing if she screws up. While everyone did well, I've got a few special "props" to mention: Natalie's sweet throws, especially that high release backhand to Savage to win the scrimmage on Sunday; if she can add a little touch and remember we aren't Joe Brisbois, she'll be perfect. Tai's ever-amazing layouts (and also good job sitting out after a slight injury; this is no joke- it's a huge step for her to realize she is mortal), and Jazz playing some ferocious, non-stop D. Just seeing the speed of the game and fewer numbers of turnovers than "regular" women's! Ahh! Our zone looked pretty shoddy at first, but got up to speed by the end of Saturday. It definitely reminded me that I like playing cup....when I am in shape for it. I didn't do as much toying with positions as I wanted, but I think it is hard for me to play and fully assess other players at the same time. So I'll wait for Poultry Days and Boston. Boston. That is worthy of another paragraph.

So, I have been very excited about this team since I fully decided to see it through in January. I thought I'd have no problem filling up a team with high-caliber women. However, a couple injuries here, a few co-ed players there, and I am looking at 14-15 women instead of the 18 I wanted. Then reality finally hits me (Jon has been trying to tell me this since at least Feb.) and I realize for Nationals we probably want more like 22-24 players. All of a sudden I am down about 8 players and reluctantly looking at slightly lower-tier women: either they have the heart but not the skill, the speed but not the experience, or are just inconsistent. I don't want role-players, I want play-makers. I'm not kidding. I think right now anyone on Rackages could turn the tide with a huge grab or a monster D. I didn't want to have to think about adding players that would play a lot in "early" games, and then count on 12 for semis, finals, and the tough ones. Then, a windfall. Bait has decided the team is not headed in the direction they intended. There are players among them who would like an opportunity to play Rackages. Great! I have played with (and enjoyed) a handful of their best, but haven't seen them all. So Boston is sitting right there as a perfect opportunity to see them in pressure situations and get a chance to hang with them off the field. We happen to have only 9 for Boston, so it only gets better. Needless to say, I am freakin' psyched for Boston.

Back to the weekend. Both teams on both days tried force middle with patchy, if any, success. This is very frustrating as FM can be very effective and devastating. It also allows me to poach without really leaving my girl, and who doesn't love it when I poach except Flaming Moe. The problem is, everyone has to buy into FM, and everyone must play it differently (both marking and upfield) than sideline force. Actually, the marking is more similar to one-way than the upfield! The application of the mark is as if the disc has been broken on a sideline. We continuously allowed wide-open hucks. And I think with any team D, when the marks/force start to break down, the upfield D follows- if you can't trust your mark, you end up trying to guard the whole field, and unless you are considerably faster than your girl, you get burned. I am going to be trying to work on my mark, although I can't say I did a very good job against Ben Lyons last night- the kid is lanky, but that's no excuse. So that is my focus until Poultry Days: marking.

Actually, with all the speed & cutting skills, our sideline force didn't look spectacular. We didn't have shutdown D very often. I think part of it is being slightly out of shape, but part is mentality, at least for me. I have to really talk to myself before each point and tell myself not to let her get the disc, ever. This isn't to say I am slacking off on some points, I just don't always have a burning hatred of my girl having the disc. The times I've laid out on D have been those times when I am desperate to not let my girl get the disc.

I think the offense over the weekend was really impressive to me- the D was not bad, just a little weak at times, but the O seemed really smooth, especially for women's. There were definitely a few times when turns happened from trying to force it into the endzone, but for the most part, I thought people were patient. And especially on Saturday there was so little clogging! There were a few good snags, but mostly it was smart, good throws to open people. Rock. I think the D will come- I have tried to choose those with an inner tigeress that's loves to devour discs. Yep, I'm weird. It may be awhile 'til I post, but I may have a short update on how workouts are coming along. I have started to like sprints, again, which is good.

1 comment:

Warrior Princess said...

My marking continues to suck the big one, as Mike Liu repeatedly proved last night. INTENSITY, Rachel! Hope you all are doing better on your personal goals.