Monday, August 27, 2007

Sweet Sixteen & The Vicar are hitched!

Most of you that read this were there (although there must be some "others" or who would think Racks weren't a shoe-in for Regie Champs?), but this last weekend was Kevin and Lana's wedding.

It really started for many of us on Thursday night, with attendance to a bachelor or bachelorette party. From hearsay of the Bachelor Party, our party was a lot raunchier/dirtier/had a thousand more sexual inuendos. However, it didn't last as late & JC got more intoxicated than I did (I think we each represented our couple well, consuming the most liquor at each of our respective parties). Since what happens at the Bachelorette party stays at the Bachelorette party, I can only release a few details: 1. I was the ring toss champ- I threw a pink ring around Peter the Blow-Up Boy's manhood. 2. Natalie did a good job of hostessing, along with her assistants. If you are hosting a bachelorette party, you should ask her for some games. 3. I am a pervert. Or maybe I am just comfortable with sex, my sexuality, and nakedness. 4. Lana is a superstar for having both her mother and mother-in-law at the party and still sharing stories, etc.

Friday night there were SUPPOSED to be many people coming into town. The troopers XXX, StuJack, and Ellen actually made it. We spent the bar part of the evening at Welch Ave Station (Yum, late night Pizza Pit!) This was a pretty tame night, although a long one; I kept asking Jon if we could stay a little longer. He got me to quit talking offensive strategy with Stu at 4:30 am. We were up and at the CLX reunion scrimmage by 10 am, as promised. Slowly, CLXers, party-goers, and a few current ISUCers trickled into town and made it to the fields. There was a little bit of good Ultimate, some silly Ultimate, and a lot of fun. Drew remains the Hammer King; be it throwing or receiving hammers, I choose him. After that most of us headed to Thai Kitchen (sweet, sweet curry) and I ate a lot. I realized it was getting late and NONE of the group presents were wrapped....Gibbs came and helped me wrap the 107 (or so) presents. At 2:35, I asked her if she wanted to leave, and continued to try and pretify the gifts until 3:15...I realized even I was pushing it to leave for the wedding at 3:45. I made it by 3:48, albeit with unpainted toenails.

The Wedding: There are many, many pics available on many people's Picasas. Lana was beautiful, I couldn't get anyone to bet against me about Kevin crying (although he did keep it to a minimum), and used 2.5 tissues to Gibbs' 3 tissues. Natalie has a positively angelic voice. Two of the greatest people I know are joined forever!!! I rejoice for them!

Post wedding: PARTY TIME!!!! Of course I can't write it ALL! Highlights: dinner (Hickory Park, lots of gravy for me!), cake (yes, I like frosting, okay), DANCING, crotch-tagging everyone, getting picked last for Bride Side vs. Groom Side Boatrace, WINNING the Boatrace (and I anchored strongly), DANCING, getting crotch-tagged by everyone, Kevin & Lana running the Gauntlet to their car, nailing Kevin in the chest with a disc, afterparty at Welch, the waitress crotch-tagging Kalli, skinny-dipping (that's hearsay on my part...I was "tired"), reliving it the next morning (especially the hazy parts from Welch on).

I almost died of hunger before we finally made it to The Cafe the next day (it was afternoon!), where I had a good Bloody Mary, a Veggie Skillet, and cheesecake (plus nibbles of many other dishes). Finally, I had to say goodbye to everyone; the only upside is how soon I will see most of them!

I laughed and laughed and laughed with everyone; CLX included some of the funniest people I know,a nd it was great to have so many of us there, as well as the "new" VBB & Rackage additions. I had such a blast, and Kevin & Lana seemed nothing but happy (duh) & did a great job of mingling with everyone. Mark Meyer was buying shots and boatracing (JC won...twice) and just generally being a good time. I am SO glad I will see so many of these people in 2 weeks at CHC!


Melissa Jo Gibbs said...

I can't believe you said how many tissues I used. If anyone asks, I was NOT crying at the wedding, I am allergic to dust.

ellsworthless said...

Yes, thank you for sitting in front of me and making it even harder to hold back tears. I just can't contain it when I see the ladies cry. But I was manly and I ONLY welled up.

This was my first frisbee wedding. IT WAS AWESOME. I was more sore from dancing than from pickup that day. All of this just makes me wish I was on CLX for all the good times you all talk about. But hey, here is to the future! And here is to the XMAS bash we are planning!